The EVE Online Patch Notes Transformer converts EVE Online Patch Notes from rich HTML and CSS into MediaWiki Syntax.

  1. Go to EVE Online Patch Notes.
  2. Open a Patch Notes blog post such as Patch Notes - Version 21.06.
  3. Right-click anywhere on the webpage to open up a dropdown menu and click on Inspect. A developer console should open up. The Inspector tab should be selected, showing HTML elements.
  4. Find the HTML element with the attribute name class equal to value RichText_richtext. You can use the Search HTML tool (CTRL+F in Inspector) to find the RichText_richtext value more easily. This HTML element contains the contents of the Patch Notes blog post.
  5. Right-click the HTML element to open up a dropdown menu, hover over Copy then click on Inner HTML. This will copy the HTML contents of the Patch Notes blog post into your clipboard.
  6. Paste the contents of the Patch Notes blog post into the Patch Notes HTML text field below.
  7. Press the Transform button.